Course ID PS2DW
Cost $1,495
PMI® Global Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.) - 16 Professional Development Units (PDU)

Presentation Skills Workshop | 2 Days

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Seven Wonders Learning, Inc., Educational Consulting, Las Vegas, NV

Having solid presentation skills is valuable in any business setting. Communication skills are the cornerstone of success in many aspects of life, and after this 2-day workshop, you’ll leave feeling confident knowing that you can effectively deliver your message to any audience.

Whether you’re a high level executive or an entry level employee, this 2-day workshop will provide the tools and techniques for you to become a more effective communicator. There is a profound difference between delivering information and truly communicating. Standing in front of a room narrating a slideshow typically doesn’t connect to an audience or compel them to any sort of action. In this workshop you’ll learn the fundamental principles of effective presentation structure as well as a multitude of tips for creating professional and engaging PowerPoint presentations.

This workshop emphasizes the importance of “learning by doing” and culminates with a 15 minute presentation that you create and deliver to the other participants. Some workshop exercises and your final presentation will be video recorded to provide you a rare opportunity for self-assessment. To ensure that everyone receives the richest and most individualized learning experience, each workshop is limited to 10 participants.

Through engaging exercises and in-depth group feedback, you’ll gain insight into your own unique skills as a presenter… these natural strengths and abilities are the foundation for developing and refining your own unique and effective personal presentation style.

• Course workbook
• Exercise handouts
• Personal digital video recordings
• Certificate of participation